As is relatively normal in New England, the weather can't seem to decide what it wants to do. Fifties and rainy one day; 80s or 90s and hot and sticky the next...

Kaylee is really digging her jumperoo these days, she can watch the puppies from here and she likes how all her movements are totally exaggerated.

I mean really: who wouldn't just love lounging in a harness and jumping around all day?

So anyway, on the first of these really hot days, I found a cute pair of red short overalls (with Peter Rabbit on it) that were size 6 months (aka 3-6 months). Kaylee has been out of that size since she was about 4 months old, but I decided I had to try to stuff her into these at least once. They fit--barely! But hey, at least she got to wear them right?

Well that will be the one and only time she gets to wear those cute little overalls, she is officially in 12 month clothes now and even some of those are getting a bit snug. She really is growing up very fast!
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