Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Last of January

OK, I just did a lot of posting in the last 24 hours...a total of 5 new posts that was just too much content to lump into make sure you scroll down to see all the pictures of the 2 cutest girls on the planet.
Now that Rowan has gotten used to the idea of swallowing her rice cereal...she really likes it. She's all smiles during dinner these days.
And lucky her...she gets to start baby Oatmeal for breakfast tomorrow...I hope she likes it.
Yesterday was a busy day for Kaylee...our friend Jordyn had her 3rd birthday party so we headed over for the big bash.
Kaylee had a good time and got to meet some of Jordyn's friends that she didn't know before. Its a good thing she's not shy:)
And then her supposed nap, our friends Sam and Bailey came over. As per usual, Kaylee turned her flirt on with little Sam who is going to turn one next month!
All 3 kiddos had a good time playing...and although Rowan was too little to get thrown into the mix just yet...she sure watched with great gusto.
I am sure she and Sam will have lots of fun in a few more months when she is mobile and such...they will be in the same grade after all.
And that about brings us up to post will be officially in February when I download another 8,000 pictures from our camera!

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