OK...so we have our new camera now and we really really like it. It takes great pictures...and, more importantly than that (yes, I actually do mean that) it takes pictures faster! Kaylee and
Ro both move fast...I can't be waiting 20 seconds between shots!
Anyway...first I wanted The Uncles to know that I actually got the Jasmine plant they sent us to flower, which I consider an accomplishment especially this far north.

Here's a closer shot...just to prove there were some flowers...our camera might be better but that doesn't mean I magically become a photographer. I have some books on photography that we borrowed from an enthusiast...so maybe if I can read some of them, I'll get better and know not to
back light my shots.

Anyway...working in reverse order. Last night we had the
Levys over for dinner. Kaylee and Emily (or as Kaylee now says:
"Enemy" hey, at least its got 3 syllables now!) got right down to business and played pretty well together.

Sharing still doesn't exactly come naturally to Kaylee...especially at her own home. Although when we take her to someone
else's house she expects her host/
ess to share!
After a silly little squabble we sat the girls down..."OK girls what happened?" we asked.

"She did it."

What with a new camera to play with...it was lots of fun to try to capture some cute shots of the girls together. Here Daddy actually managed to get both of their attention away from
Kaylee asked for brief moment to touch up her hair during this photo shoot. We've been calling her our feral child...since her hair is always wild and crazy...especially after nap. I don't like putting elastics in it anymore because its been causing her hair to bend and break...

Kaylee requests to hold Rowan on a daily if not hourly basis. She's very good about the rules though...she always sits on the recliner or the couch and either uses
boppy or has Mommy or Daddy help her support her little sister.
I am not sure how much Rowan cares for the situation...but, she's a pretty good sport about it usually.
Here's a shot our old camera never would have caught...again with the
back lighting, but this time it doesn't wash my subject out, and I think its really cute.

Rowan's smile makes me feel better no matter how tired or cranky I am...how could it not?

Rowan was really not digging her swing, so I had Daddy take her jumper out of the basement so I could clean it off and he could set it up. The idea was...we'll be the jumper where the swing was and put the swing in attic storage since she doesn't like it anyway. Well we just moved it to the side while we were setting the jumper up. And I just sat her in it while setting it up to have my hands free...and wouldn't you know? It was the first time she enjoyed her swing in 2 months....and since we're talking about a 4 month old...that's a large percentage of her life.

I took a lot of pictures of Kaylee when she was in the changing table as a baby...so I figured I better take some of
Ro as well. Her eyes say: "Knock it off Mommy!"

I like this picture because of the sunlight patterns on
Ro's head...so I thought I'd share it.

Oh, yeah remember that jumper I said we set up...here's Rowan's debut use of it.

She seemed to like it well enough. Lots of things to look at and touch...and since she
hasn't quite figured out how to jump around in it yet...Kaylee has been taking the bouncing action upon herself to do.
"Mommy," says Rowan, "I do
not want to play with this toy while Kaylee is around!" But do I ever listen? No.
And just a few more random shots to round out my post here. Daddy really likes Kaylee's expression here.

And Mommy really likes her expression here.

And well, we both love the love these 2 already seem to have for each other.
Rowan can never take her eyes of Kaylee (as long as Kaylee is in range.)

And Kaylee loves to shower
"Rowan Sister" with kisses. What more could parents ask for?
Until next time.
1 comment:
You know, I think my favorite pics of the girls are ones where Kaylee's hair is over half her face and she looks like a brooding, emo teenager!
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