Is there anything more peaceful than a sleeping baby?

How about a sleeping toddler?

Yeah yeah, enough of the boring crap...onto stuff when the eyes are open. Rowan really likes to feel snuggled, she likes to either be held or be in something that
mimics being held, like on the floor in her
boppy pillow.

Although apparently she had had enough with the camera after a while...
She likes
Bumbo chair long as she can see Mommy, Kaylee or Daddy.
I like both of the girls' expressions in this one. Rowan is desperately trying to escape from her
bumbo chair and I am not really sure what Kaylee is thinking...but she sure does
mischievous well.

"Oh all right already Mom, I'll pose for a picture!" I feel the sarcasm of the statement is evident in the photo.

Auntie Jacqueline came over last week and Kaylee had a blast with her...they read and played and ran around the house...what more can a 2-year-old ask for.

This is what Kaylee's hair looks like after her nap...

And while I was futzing with the camera settings here...I just would like the outfit to be noted, I don't always let Kaylee run around looking like she was raised by wolves.

The conversation that passed in the look between these 2 here scares me for the future. I think they are going to double-team their poor Mommy some day in the not-so-distant future.

Way way back now our friend Sophie and her parents came over for dinner and I finally off-loaded the pictures and
de-red-eyed them, so there were a few cute ones to share.

Please don't mind the snot-fountain
pouring from Kaylee's nose...just don't enlarge the picture too much and it shouldn't bother anyone (but me.) Anyone know how to edit snot out of a picture using
Photo Shop 6.0?
Awwwww, such cute friends.
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