On Saturday, we went to a local apple orchard to pick some apples. And yes, I did dress them up in matching shirts for this!

I wish Rowan weren't squinting into the sun, I love this picture anyway though.

Now that Rowan is full-fledged walking around and getting into everything, it made for some cute pics.

Rowan tastes the 'fruits' of her labor--
nyut nyut nyut.

She had a lot more fun than I thought she would. She lasted a long time.

And she tried really hard to get apples off the tree all by herself.

"Here do you want this one Mommy?"

Obviously I had to make them pose together...

Kaylee is still a super big sister, always loving and almost always gentle. We're very lucky.

Here the girls are sampling their wares.

We really made Kaylee work for her keep this time.

I wish Kaylee was as zealous about eating apples at home...but apparently they have that extra something special when you get to pick them right off the tree in the moment. (It must be at that moment too, because all the apples we brought home have lost their luster to her even though she picked a lot of them herself.)

"Did you want a bite?"

"This seems like an awful lot of work...wouldn't it be easier to just go to the grocery store?"

We like this funny face.

Daddy lifted her up so she could get a few apples off the high branches.

Look at the raw exertion required to heave this heavy load of apples!

But after she moved that mostly empty bag a few inches, she declared victory a la Kevin Spacey in American Beauty: "I rule!"

We give Kaylee a good amount of freedom these days and she doesn't disappoint us, wandering only a little distance away to see if she could find some better apples but coming back as soon as we called.

Then, on to the Pumpkin Patch!

Kaylee found her 'great pumpkin.'

Daddy thinks the girls look like they're floating in the patch in this picture...of course Mommy's hovering shadow probably ruins it, but I couldn't get to far away for fear Rowan would fall of her perch.

The cover for this month's: Pumpkin Magazine!

Or maybe this is the cover.

A kiss for
Ro in the pumpkin patch.

Posing in the Pumpkin Patch.

Another pose.

I still have a big birthday party post to post: we went to 4 birthday parties since getting home from Disney...but it will all depend on how long it takes, I don't want to fall too far behind, so I might skip some birthday parties to keep up to date in October.
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