OK, I apologize in advance if my anecdotes start getting shorter... the sheer volume of pictures is beginning to weigh on me. Besides in many cases the pictures are cute enough to speak for themselves.
When we found Chip and Dale in the morning in Town Square, there was literally no line...how could we say no to that!? Daisy was there too, but she had quite a long line, we felt bad for the chipmunks, so we jumped ship in that we'd just seen Daisy yesterday.
Where's the baby? She's the one taking the picture, I swear!
Ahhh, what the heck, lets let her get in one...but as you can see she's still wary of these giant character suits.
A quick shot of the cute Halloween/fall decorations around Main Street.
What did Kaylee want to do first...why the carousel of course!
Then it was on to the tea-cups where luck would have it, Alice was hanging around.
Autograph book time!
And then we all posed with our Wonderland friend...Rowan didn't mind Alice...she looked like a person and not a giant rodent?!
We had lunch at our favorite counter service restaurant again: Cosmic Rays, where both girls really enjoyed the 'live' entertainment: Sonny Eclipse.
I need to get one of these...a trash can that doesn't hold trash; but rather, blows bubbles!
We headed over to Toontown when it opened to see what the wait for meeting Tinkerbell was, it was already 75 minutes...no thank you!
But there was other stuff to do in Toontown. We entered Minnie's house...which Kaylee thought was just a line for an attraction as opposed to an attraction in and of itself. Oh well.
But she loved Goofy's Barnstormer...the gee-this-goes-pretty-fast-for-a-pee-wee-roller-coaster! She's definitely going to be into all the big-ticket roller-coasters next time.
While Daddy took Kaylee on the Barnstormer...again, Mommy grabbed a pic of the outside of Minnie's house. Mickey's house is down the street a bit, but with how unimpressed Kaylee was with her idol's house...we decided to skip it.
After a few more rides, it was time to go back to our hotel.
Kaylee really liked the water slide!
She went down quite a bit, eventually doing the whole thing by herself, although Mommy and/or Daddy was always at the bottom waiting.
Then we headed back to the Magic Kingdom and hopped on the monorail. Here's what Kaylee thought of the monorail.
We hopped off at the Contemporary for our next character meal: Chef Mickey's.
As you can see, even 3 practices in Rowan still wasn't really digging the characters...but they all tried anyway.
Kaylee was not too happy after being woken up from her brief nap in the stroller for dinner: she was really very cranky and carrying on such that I thought we might have to leave. However, as Donald approached the tantrum muted to a dull ruckus.
After Donald left, Kaylee started acting up again...she just couldn't shake the wake-up, but when she saw the Big Guy himself approaching: the tears dried up, the frown disappeared and look a total seriousness came over her face when she said, "Daddy, I need my autograph book!"
So a hug from Mickey saved our dinner (and everyone else's in our vicinity.)
OK, she's not happy here, but maybe Rowan was getting used to the giant animals after all.
Two cuties and a Mouse.
Then, came Kaylee's favorite character of all: Minnie!
Of course, we got her autograph. Minnie wrote: Minnie Mouse loves Kaylee XOXO. How cute!
And she didn't mind an extra hug and picture either.
Minnie tried to get Rowan to stop fussing. What baby doesn't love peek-a-boo with Minnie after all. Rowan, that's what baby doesn't love peek-a-book with Minnie.
Pluto stopped by...he sniffed Rowan until she grunted a few times, and he moved on to the child that 'wanted' to see him
If you look really closely, you can see that the giant dog is hugging our 3-year-old. She all but disappeared in the hug.
Poor Pluto...signing autographs is tough with a nose that big.
And we even got a picture where you can see Kaylee (and Mommy) with Chef Pluto.
And last, but certainly not least: Chef Goofy came by to make sure we were happy with our dinner (we were!)
Goofy realized that Rowan wasn't digging the characters so he positioned himself and Kaylee behind her so we could grab a picture that had all 3 of them in it.
A better one.
And again, Kaylee's birthday didn't go unnoticed, by the unrivaled Disney staff.
And she really liked this birthday cupcake.
And that wraps up our 3rd day at Disney. Chef Mickey's was our favorite dining experience I think. We will definitely try to make it a tradition even if we don't get the free meal plan in the future and have to pony up ourselves. It was a good value and the characters were great. Totally worth it and tons of fun!

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