We arrived at the Magic Kingdom basically as soon as the park opened on Kaylee's birthday, our first full day in Disney.
Naturally the scrap-booking fiend had to take lots of pictures right away.
Kaylee wanted to ride Cinderella's Golden Carousel...which she proceeded to do several times while Mommy walked Rowan around for a stroller nap.
Then it was time to ride on Dumbo. Mommy got to sit with the girls and Daddy had an elephant to himself while he manned the camera.
This idea made for some good photos.
Check out Kaylee's smile. I mean, who doesn't like Dumbo?
If not for the squinting (from the bright sun) Rowan would have been squealing (with glee!)
Then it was time to head over to the Crystal Palace for our very first character meal. This one was with the 100 Acre Wood Crew. We discovered very quickly that Rowan was not a fan of the characters. How in all my research and planning, did I not foresee this development I'll guess I'll never know.
Kaylee, on the other hand, probably loved the characters the most out of all things Disney.
Piglet stopped by for a chat.
He signed Kaylee's autograph book for her...probably the best Disney investment made was the autograph book and the Sharpies we brought (easier for those gloved hands to sign with.)
Kaylee smiled for the camera with Piglet.
And of course, Eeyore stopped by too. He was glad we noticed him.
Kaylee had a big hug for him to brighten his dreary day.
We didn't know this, but apparently Tigger is one of Kaylee's favorites. She was so excited when he approached.
First order of business: Get the autograph.
Second order of business: Big Hugs.
Tigger spent a good amount of time with us, seeing as Kaylee was so excited (and that September is the best time of year to go because crowds are so low.) He even tried to get Rowan to smile, but she wasn't having it.
After our brunch, we headed outside where we were just in time to catch a parade: The Move it, Shake it, Celebrate it Parade.
Which we went on to see about 4-5 times total during our trip...Kaylee really liked it.
In fact, so much that we've found a You Tube video of it that we dance to for about 20-25 minutes every other night or so.
Because it was Kaylee's birthday, she was wearing a button that said: Happy Birthday Kaylee. This button got her a lot of attention, like from this stilt walker who stopped for a photo. She also drew the attention of the Mad Hatter on top of one of the parade floats. He couldn't read her name from that distance but he leaned down and pointed right at her as he said: "You there, happy birthday little girl. I'll see you again this time next year!" This was one of Daddy's favorite moments.
Then we headed over to the Enchanted Grove (?) for Story Time with Belle. After the story, Belle signed autographs for her audience. Through mostly and accident, we were last in line which turned out great as Belle took extra time with Kaylee.
Belle asked Kaylee how old she was and had a nice little chat with her...it was really sweet. And of course, she signed Kaylee's, by now, coveted autograph book.
Then we had time for a hug before Belle had to leave. This was one of Mommy's favorite moments.
Then after a break at our resort for a nap and swim, we headed back to the MK, where we went right to the front of the castle to wait for the show to start.
Once the show started we realized that Rowan liked characters as long as they were out of her personal space...she sure liked her front row seat. She clapped...
and pointed...
and smiled...
and laughed, all while she watched...
Dream Along with Mickey...which was a really cute show that we caught about 1 1/2 times, but only once with the great seats.
Mommy's favorite character made an appearance as the shows antagonist.
And the princesses came on for a dance number much to both girls' delight.
We also got the girls' hair cut. The barber shop was really cute, and the price point wasn't that far off what I would have paid at home.
Plus, everything is a show to Disney, the distraction was first rate...Rowan had stickers all over to play with while the hair dresser cleaned up her noggin.
And where else does the price include "First Haircut" mouse ears?
Cutie pie.
Kaylee was a little more difficult and at first I thought it would be a no-go. The sticker thing just wasn't cutting it as she basically ignored the 20 the hairdresser had stuck to her front the get-go.
But once the hair dresser gave her 2 spinney toys and asked her to make them both work at the same time...viola...distraction!
Kaylee got several inches taken off and it now just rests on her shoulders...and it looks much better.
She ignored her first haircut mouse-ears, but Kaylee has never been one for head-wear.
We also rode Its a Small World...Rowan really liked it.
I won't post too many interior shots here, but I obviously had to include Ireland.
Anyone know what country this is supposed to represent? Some are much easier to identify than others I guess.
We thought Kaylee was going to make us ride this several times in a row and she didn't, she did, however, sing the song for the rest of the day throughout the park.
Our last ride of the day was the Tea Cups...which the whole family liked, even when we started really whirling it around.
If you ask Kaylee what her favorite ride was, she'll tell you it was the Tea Cups, we rode them A LOT! Have I mentioned I loved the not-so-long lines of September?!
These cute pictures are sort of tainted for me by the sweat sheen we all are exhibiting...it was really more humid than hot, and it wasn't as bad as the pictures seem to indicate, but it was very warm.


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