Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Yesterday morning, started like any other. Kaylee got up and had some breakfast...then she played around (still in her pajamas) with all her toys. I finally caught a picture of her pushing her bear around in the stroller. But after her morning nap we had a day jam packed with fun...
First...we went to Henry's house for playgroup.
We got to play with Henry and Emily (trust me Emily is around there somewhere.)
But after about an hour and a half Kaylee told me she was hungry and was going to need another nap if she was expected to go to yet another event that day.
So we went home for lunch and a nap. And when we woke up it was time to dress up in our costume's our Halloween Princess.
As you can see, princesses are very busy. They have lots of things to do and places to go...
But every now and then, they do have a moment to just sit down and relax. I like the lighting I caught in this picture...I think its my favorite one so far in the costume.
But after the photo shoot we were off to the MOMS Club Trunk or Treat event. Kaylee met a butterfly that she really seemed to get along with. Hmmmm...that butterfly looks awfully familiar...
"You're silly Mommy," Kaylee said, "that's Emily!"
Gee, I sure am glad she straightened me all out.
Then we met a pumpkin and bumblee bee...Kaylee stayed as far away from the bee as she could, while still being in the photo frame. Later she confided that she heard bees can sting!
"P-U" said Emily the butterfly as she looked all around, "what is the smell?"
Why its our friend Isabel the skunk!
And soon even more children in costumes came along! The costumes were great and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun.
And now of course, I just wanted to show off my handy work. I'd never carved a pumpkin before so I figured I'd better practice before I had a little one critiquing my work. So these are the pumpkins I carved this year...Daddy has dubbed the large one Jack and the little one is Paul.
Not to shabby, eh?
Happy Halloween everyone!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

a few pictures

Sorry folks...we were sick for several days and now that Kaylee is walking, I find it much harder to find time to take pictures since most of my time is occupied chasing her down. So we only have a few pictures this time.
Anyway...with Halloween fast approaching the MOMS Club had its first halloween event last Wednesday, a costume parade at a local retirement center, one of our service projects for the quarter. So we all got our kiddies dressed up in their Halloween costumes and let them march around and show off their finery.
Guess what Kaylee is?
Isn't it just too cute? I almost found it unreal how cute she looked...and yet at the same time she looked like a little glittery cotton ball. Here she had her first encounter with a cookie. I let her have half of one, I figured that's what halloween is all about and since I am definately not letting her have candy this year, a half of a cookie is not going to kill her.
Then on Friday we went to a Kid's Club party. Kid's Club is what we call the children of the volunteers at Gold's Gym Childcare Room. I volunteer for 1 shift a week in the Childcare Room and in return both Daddy and Mommy get a free gym membership and free childcare while we work out. Pretty sweet deal if you ask me. And on Friday, one of the moms offered her home up so we could all get together outside of the gym and hang out and get to know one another...after all, we all watch each other's kids now from time to time, so its nice to know each other.
Kaylee had a lot of fun, but had the most fun with this giant beach ball she found in the garage.
Then yesterday, I captured a funny expression on munchkin as she was playing with her stacker cups.
That's basically all I have to say for now. We have another Halloween event coming up in a few days so I am sure I will have more princess pics to come.

Friday, October 19, 2007

The Great Pumpkin Patch

Yesterday Kaylee and I met up with a bunch of other kids and Mommies from the MOMS Club and headed to a local farm. There Kaylee met a sheep.
Then, she met a goat. She also met a pony and a couple of cows who are not pictured...
And then we all headed out to the pumpkin patch, to see if we could find some pumpkins.
Kaylee looked around for a while and rounded up several good choices.
"What am I supposed to do now Mommy?"
I told her we could only take 1 from the pumpkin patch.
So she narrowed her choices down to the 2 best least in her opinion.
When it was time to go, she made her choice.
So we took our newly acquired pumpkin and hopped on the hay-strewn flatbed being pulled by the tractor back to the farm-stand.
Kaylee seems non-plussed at best with her accommodations...
Once we got back to the farm stand I told her we should pick out a big pumpkin too, to make into a jack-o-lantern.
"What the heck is jack-o-lantern?"
"Well," I tell her. "It's a big pumpkin with a face carved into it, that glows when you put a candle inside."
Apparently, my explanation was weak.
Still, she tested out several larger pumpkins and then made her selection.
With our pumpkins safely in the car, I popped the munchkin on top of a haystack for one last picture before we headed home.
All in all, we had lots of fun with our friends, the animals and getting to buy a couple of pumpkins! What a great day.

Monday, October 15, 2007

We have a ghost?

So, I thought I heard some spooky noises, so I decided to let the camera do some investigative work.
Hmmm...who's that behind the curtain?
Ack! A ghost! A ghost!
A scary ghost behind the curtain!
Wait a second, the ghost has a blue top, khaki pants and pink and white sneakers? That can't be.
Well there's our culprit. Kaylee makes a cuter ghost than Casper if you ask me.
As you can see Daddy is working on training Kaylee early for her career in NASA.
"Houston we have a problem, my headset is too tight!"
"This is ground control, over."
And that, was our weekend:)

Friday, October 12, 2007

Sorry its been so long

First, we'd like to apologize for the long gap since last we posted. Kaylee feels most aggrieved.
Can't you tell?
Last Friday, we went to visit Emily before she left on a 2 week vacation to Disney World (lucky girl) and another week in NJ for a wedding. We won't see our good friends until Halloween! So the girls wasted no time packing in as much fun time together as they could!
Besides, Kaylee wanted to test out all the cool new toys Emily had received for her birthday.
Then on Saturday, we met up with Shana and Bailey and went to the MET. Yup, the Children's Metamorphosis Museum, right downtown. They were having an open house for a membership drive. The girls listened to a concert.And then headed over to the toddler play area (sectioned off so that the bigger kids don't trample the little ones.) Kaylee and Bailey had lots of fun exploring the new toys.
Kaylee seems to like rocking horses quite a bit.
They explored for over an hour without complaint in their little section, and had quite a lot of fun.
So we decided to join, as the weather gets colder it will nice to be able to get Kaylee out of the house and into a safe place where she can explore and learn and play with other children.
That's the end of my pictures though. Unfortunately on Sunday we had a little trip to the ER as Kaylee's small cough suddenly became more severe as she struggled to breathe. Turned out she had pneumonia and croup--poor little thing. So she is still recovering from that and Mommy and Daddy seem to have caught quite a cold themselves. However, I believe we are over the worst of it now and are all on the mend.
In good news--Kaylee is officially walking. And I don't mean just a few steps between the couch and the coffee table either...I mean real walking. With starts and stops and changes of direction. She still falls occasionally of course, and as she is now experimenting with speed, those falls are increasing a bit, but she's officially a bi-ped now. She can go to Tufts! (Who goes to Harvard anyway?)
Anyway, I promise I'll get back on the photography thing this week and post again soon!