Thursday, June 30, 2011

June Wrap Up

Alright, the great-uncles paid us a visit. We all had a blast (I think.) Buddy is definitely a new favorite playmate, as is Chuck. The girls were somewhat less impressed with their canine companion though.
Chuck feeds the Lion Man.
Posed pictures, Chuck, Buddy & Lola with our gang.
A closer view, and everyone was looking at the camera. (You have no idea how many shots of this I snapped where someone wasn't looking or was looking, but wasn't looking very good!) Yay for rapid fire and lots of options.
Swinging on perhaps one of the most gorgeous days of the year, June 30th's weather was what makes me love New England.
Our first Fun Run of the season.
Kaylee did really well!
Kaylee & Rowan with their pal, Sumana.
And that pretty much brings us up to date!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Leo Takes His First Bites

Today we introduced Leo to Rice Cereal. He did really well...considering :)

He used his fingers to aid in swallowing, but for a first-timer, he is definitely in medal contention!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Kaylee's Last Day of Pre-K

I can't believe she's done with pre-school, but she is.
Next fall (although why they say school starts in fall when the first day is in AUGUST I have no idea) she's off to Kindergarten! Where did the time go?
Rowan needed to pose with the star of the day.
Kaylee received her pre-school diploma/certificate and her gymnastics trophy at the end of the events.
First her class sang us a concert of about 5 songs.
They were very off-key and very loud, just what 4 and 5 year-olds should be!
Then it was time to do the dance show!
This part was to Michael Jackson's "Thriller"...
They were all Zombies...
it was really funny, and cute (perhaps not your average zombie description.)
Kaylee's balance and coordination has improved by a substantial margin since beginning her preschool with the gymnastics component.
And flips are a cinch.
Oh yeah, and yesterday was a milestone for the Lion man as well...his sign says it all.
Our patient little puppy endures some dress-up at the hands of her human big sisters.
Oh yeah, and his smile endorses his onesie's sentiment 100%.
That's more or less what happened for us this week.