Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter through St. Patrick's Day

Alright, I am not feeling very witty...but I have a fair amount of pictures so:
Here is Kaylee's Easter Basket. Cute huh?
Here is Kaylee opening one of the plastic eggs in her Easter Basket. (By the way, once again, Kaylee's finery was provided by her friend Emily...why buy dresses when I can borrow?)Here is Kaylee showing off one of her necklaces that she found inside the plastic eggs in her Easter Basket.
Here is Kaylee's winning smile after donning the necklaces she found inside the plastic eggs in her Easter Basket.
Here is Kaylee showing off all her new bling bling at once. And here is the giant Easter Ball that is almost as big as Kaylee that we couldn't resist getting her and that she hasn't put down since (well alright she's napping now sans ball, but that was not easy.)
Daddy had Friday off, so once again we headed to the museum. Kaylee seems to be a budding musician.
Or perhaps a budding paleontologist?
Or fireman?
She does seem to like to drive the truck.
Or perhaps a veterinarian. Kaylee pressed her face up to the glass at the bunny's cage for a while.
Later that day we had a little mishap with a glass of V8. We've been trying to expose Kaylee to non-sippy cups once a day, and she likes sharing Mommy's lunchtime V8--but this time she ended up wearing most of it.
Here's just a cute lounging picture I took sometime this week.
And here's our morning routine. After breakfast, but before Kaylee gets dressed she likes to climb up on the coffee table and strut her stuff.
"Mom! No pictures! I am not even dressed yet!"
Here's Daddy, Kaylee and Loofy lounging on the couch catching up on some Sesame Street.
Kaylee remembered to wear her green on St. Patty's Day and even let Mommy put some cute little pigtails in.
There was lots to do on St. Patty's Day...
First she had to read a book to Petra.
Then she had to explain the book to Petra...
OK...maybe that's all she had to do, but that was quite enough thank you very much. Kaylee needed some chill-out time after that.
And that's this week's update.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

some cute pics

Well I don't have much to report. I am feeling better now that I am officially in the 2nd trimester...but I admit the camera hasn't been out that much more than it was in the 1st trimester. Here's some cute ones I took this week though.
Here's Kaylee supporting her parent's alma mater---the good ol' brown 'n' blue.
I try to limit Kaylee's TV intake, but in the afternoon I am usually pretty zonked and in order to buy a little bit of time to start dinner before Daddy gets home, I plug Kaylee into some Sesame Street time...and she loves it!
Of course, she also loves climbing on the couch and Loofy.
And insisting that Mommy read that story...again!
Here's Loofy, still recovering from his surgery. We're keeping our fingers crossed, so far so good.
And that's this week's update. More later!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

OK, the news

Well its time for an update, yet again its been almost 2 weeks. I have been feeling really really crappy lately and just haven't taken many pictures. But its about time I share the news here...the reason I have been feeling crappy is because Kaylee is going to be a big sister! So that's my excuse and for a change of pace, I feel it is a good one.
I will admit that compared to last time, this pregnancy is pretty bad, but the end-game is worth it, so we'll all struggle through:)
Now, on to the Kaylee update:
On Friday, Daddy was off from work so we all went to the children's museum together. Kaylee had a blast showing Daddy around. She loved the rocking horse.
Now that's excitement right there folks!
Yesterday we went to our friend Emily's baby shower. She and Shyam are expecting their first baby, a girl who will likely be named Meena in mid-April. Kaylee borrowed her digs from her friend Emily...she wanted to be dressed up for the occasion and Heaven knows Mommy and Daddy don't buy her dresses.
Kaylee got to meet several other children at the was a family affair. She had lots of fun with the kids and the balloons.
Daddy caught a few cute pictures this morning. Kaylee's nap schedule was all messed up because of daylight savings...but you just can't keep this lil one down. Do you think she is a happy enough child?
We should put Daddy on camera duty more often, look at that smile:)
And here's an upside-down shot. Our little adrenaline junky.