Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Snow Day Egg Carton Crafts

Snowstorm today. We didn't have anywhere we had to be, so I sent Grant to work in the AWD so he could be safe as well.
Now...I suppose it would have been better if I managed to take some pictures of the girls actually making these crafts--but Rowan and paint and glue in the vicinity of my camera was not inspiring to me, so instead you just get to see their final products.
We started with some snowmen. Kaylee did the blue, Rowan the red. They completed the project by painting a snow-scape for their new friends.
Next up, snowmen. Some cotton balls as a base were added as well (I wish we hadn't run out, oh well.) Again, Rowan chose red; Kaylee did green this time.
Lastly, we made some caterpillars. Kaylee's has orange legs, she did it all herself.
Rowan's may look at little better--but she need A LOT of help :)
Happy snow days. Boy I am tired though, and its only lunch!