Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mostly Leo Pics--backdated.

Leo already enjoys watching the occasional television show--She-Ra is in right now (woo-hoo!) as long as he gets to watch with his sister(s.)
A cute little bubbly smile.
The smile reaches the eyes...and the tongue.
This was a really great smile, I am not sure you can tell from the profile. His whole face lights up. He is going to be the end of me, that smile means, 'anything you want, kid. Mama is done.'
My smiley little Lion Man.
My first 'success' in capturing a Leo smile...its difficult to hold him, make him smile and take the picture all at the same time. However, at least the essence was captured.
The swing is the thing. He loves it as much as Kaylee did...Rowan, not so much.
This is backdated, because all of these pictures were taken in April, going to try to get a quick May one up as well.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

snow in April!

April 1st and we got about 8 inches of snow!! But it was the perfect snow for snowmen...the girls made their first (and last) snowman of the season. Food coloring made the facial features.
It was warm enough that even Rowan enjoyed playing in the snow. Previously, she had done minimal snow-play, not a fan of the cold.
Leo is officially 2 months old, as of April 11th.
Less than 2 weeks after snow, its warm enough for sundresses. You have to love New England.

Rowan loves her rainbow dress.

Another good picture of Kaylee...can it be true?
Life is pretty busy these days. I'll try to do more pictures soon.