Friday, January 19, 2007

Busy Week

It's been a busy and fun week for us. NH got blasted with a powerful ice storm on Monday/Tuesday which basically stranded Kaylee Bug and mommy in the house.

I suppose this is one of the perils of having a long and steep driveway...with the nice ice glaze we got, mommy took a spill allllllllllllllllllllll the way down the driveway to get the mail (luckily Kaylee was asleep in her crib at the time.)
Thankfully daddy was at work when the ice storm hit, so he just had to park at the bottom of the hill during the week and he had no problems getting to and from work.

Although, as you can see mommy and Kaylee had plenty of fun in doors (but truth be told, mommy was starting to feel the cabin fever come Wednesday/Thursday.)

We got dressed up really warm and trapsed around our yard exploring the ice and letting the doggies play.
Kaylee seems to enjoy pink despite the fact that mommy and daddy have not bought her anything of that shade (except a few bibs). Its a good thing other people clothe our baby girl.
This picture is her "punk rocker" outfit, what you can't see in the photo is that her hair was all spiky and "I just rolled out of bed" cool.
She has definately discovered her "voice" and spends a good amount of time shrieking and laughing and cooing. We love it.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Chapter 1.5

Today has been rough. Kaylee has been great but I am coming to grips with other aspects of my life, the first of which is that I have to go back to work. Normally that would probably be no big deal...but my phrasing is a little off. I am not going back to work...I am going to work. But first, I need to find a job. And the job market, well it sucks for someone like me. I have a degree, a degree from a great school...what I don't have is a trade. At this point I would have been better off going to a vocational school rather than Tufts University. My resume is just not generating that much least not in any area I want to get into.
Oh well, I just have to remember who I am doing this for...that little hooded angel right here.
She's worth it.

My parents, bless them, are not making it any easier. They seem to think that just because I went to Tufts that anyone would want to hire me for anything whether I meet the requirements for the job or not. I guess its been a long time since either of them had to look for a job...

I just wish they weren't making matters worse. They know I don't want to go to work. They know I don't want to put Kaylee in daycare. So why they are making me feel even more guilty and feel like I am disappointing them at the same time is beyond me. I know they don't mean to, they just think I am better than everything I am being offered. Maybe they're right. But the fact of the matter is, I need to start generating an income, soon! And if that ends up being done as a receptionist somewhere...then so be it.

That's it for now, except for this last picture.
I can't believe how blessed we are, how perfect she is, and how happy she has made us.

Chapter 1

Here she is, my beautiful baby!
OK, unfortunately I picked a bad time to start this because Kaylee is going to wake up from her nap any minute...and even if *she* doesn't, I will have to wake her to keep her on schedule.

But, now I have a blog...and lets see what I can make of it.