Tuesday, January 27, 2009

up in VT

OK, I seriously just downloaded 300 pictures from our camera...which means I have about 300 pictures to go through and de-red-eye etc. However, its been a while since I've updated so I figure I'd toss a little teaser out here until I have a little more time to photoshop.
This past weekend we packed way too much stuff into our sedan and headed north to see Bampa! As you can see Ro was pleased with the reunion.Kaylee was happy to see her paternal grandfather as well. She lost no time in issuing orders such as: "Bampa get back here," when he dared leave a game with her to use the toilet.
She really liked all the coloring supplies he had for her...and the fact that he sat and colored with her...well that was just icing.
"Hey now Bampa, get your own coloring book, you only bought me like 20, I don't think we have to share!"
And while there was some Bampa-Kaylee bonding going on...there was some Daddy-Rowan bonding happening in the living room.
As you can see...Kaylee made herself right at home...got herself really comfortable.
And back on the home front...Mommy decided to let Kaylee try watercolors today after nap.
She really really loved it. Normally she is only interested in any one thing for about 20 minutes at a max...but she seriously painted for a little over an hour! That literally shatters all previous Kaylee-attention-span records. I wonder if this is a repeatable experiment...
Regardless I now have some new refrigerator art, so I am happy!
I promise I'll try to get some more pictures up soon...but that ought to hold you.

1 comment:

DianaTheGrape said...

I see Kaylee takes after her auntie in easy-chair posture! Kaylee, I agree: arm rests are really meant for legs!