Thursday, April 30, 2009

Outdoor Play

Just to prove we make good use of our own private playground too...
Kaylee is turning into quite the "Can I play outside" kind of girl...which is just fine by me until the mosquitoes come out...then I literally have to bribe her with television to get her to come inside...apparently they weren't biting her.
Here, Kaylee is modeling the latest in hippy fashion!
Rowan was getting into it too. She doesn't like this style of swing as much as she likes the ones at the playground, but she's just going to have to make do.
Besides, at our own private one needs to take turns (unless we have a friend over!)
Its been so nice lately that we've been spending lots of time outside...even when Daddy gets home from work.
I think Petra and Loofy like this outdoor time best.
Kaylee is getting good at blowing bubbles. Click on this pictures link and check out the action in the bigger size.
She likes to watch her handy-work float does Rowan.
Of course, Rowan is a big fan of bubbles no matter when or where!
And that's it for April.

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